RAD offers such diagrams:
Class: components or elements
Browse: to browse underlying elements, relationships (group)
Topic: quick way to show relationships between elements (non-editable)
Sequence: interactions between objects wrt sequence of messages betweeen them
Static Method: the cronological sequence of messages between elements in an interaction
Building Blocks:
Structural: interfaces, classes
Behavioral: interaction (set of messages) (represents verbs - dynamic)
Grouping: to organise a model
Annotional: provides further explanation
Dependency: between two things (a parameter in a method)
Association: connection to navigate (a property as a class)
Extends: specialization or concretion (inheritance of a class)
implements: realization of operations ( implementation of an interface)
own: for implementation reasons and hiding info (package of a class)
Structural: building blocks that do not change over time (component, class diagrams)
Dynamic: behavior: colloborations among objs and changes in states (use case, activitiy diags.)
Interaction: exchange of messages (sequence diagrams)
Use case:
Use case: Actor, use case, association
Activity diagrams: Swimlines, Activity, decisions, transition, initial, final states
Analysis stereotypes: boundary control, entity
Sequence diagram