POSTGRESQL Install verify/maintain (more or less - V8.3) that : short version install post install setup installation on ubuntu with ubuntu software centre, then su - postgres createuser -P (enter new userName other than 'postgres' and choose superuser) run pgadmin3 connect with new userName Basic Commands |
su - postgresUserName (postgresUserName='postgres' in general) $PG_HOME/postgres -D $PG_HOME/data (startup db) initdb -D $PG_HOME/data (init db if $PG_HOME/data is empty) pg_ctl start -D $PG_HOME/data pg_ctl stop -D $PG_HOME/data pg_ctl restart -D $PG_HOME/data pg_ctl status -D $PG_HOME/data createdb dbName (creates default DBs: 'tempalte0', 'template1', 'template2') dropdb dbName createuser -P (enter userName and and role as superuser - Yes) [default userName=postgresUserName='postgres'] pg_dump dbName > backupfile (backup) psql dbName < backupfile (restore) pg_dumpall > backupfile (backup) psql -f backupfile postgresUserName (restore) psql -d dbName (dbName='template1' by default ) PSQL Commands: \encoding ISO-8859-1 copy schemaName.tableName FROM 'C:/home/myFolder/myfile_fr.txt'; Autoincrement and set primary key CREATE TABLE mySchema.test (PK_SEQ serial, MY_VAL int); INSERT INTO mySchema.test VALUES (1,1); INSERT INTO mySchema.test VALUES (2,2); INSERT INTO mySchema.test VALUES (3,3); SELECT setval('mySchema.test_PK_SEQ_seq', 4); INSERT INTO mySchema.test (MY_VAL) VALUES (4); Serial Types : CREATE TABLE tablename ( colname SERIAL ); is equivalent to specifying: CREATE SEQUENCE tablename_colname_seq; CREATE TABLE tablename ( colname integer DEFAULT nextval('tablename_colname_seq') NOT NULL ); or : CREATE TABLE tablename ( colname NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('flight."colname_seq"'::regclass) ); CREATE SEQUENCE flight."colname_seq" INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 START 3 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE flight."colname_seq" OWNER TO tableOwner; |